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Showing results 85 - 90 of 122 for oracle nsw

  • Fair Trading services

    National Indigenous Consumer Strategy | NSW Fair Trading

    23 July, 2020

    National Indigenous Consumer Strategy addressing consumer rights and education

  • Fair Trading services

    Seniors | NSW Fair Trading

    23 July, 2020

    NSW Fair Trading is committed to supporting seniors with up-to-date information about their consumer rights and how to deal with unscrupulous operators. ... You can download the Seniors guide (PDF, 1816.26 KB) and read about your consumer rights in NSW.

  • Fair Trading services

    FuelCheck | NSW Fair Trading

    27 January, 2023

    FuelCheck is an online tool providing consumers with real-time fuel price information covering every service station across NSW. ... FuelCheck lets NSW motorists:. find the cheapest fuel being sold anywhere in NSW.

  • Fair Trading services

    Community grants administered in 2022-2023 | NSW Fair Trading

    7 August, 2023

    Funds administered by Fair Trading to non-government community organisations in 2022-23 financial year.

  • Fair Trading services

    Australia - government | NSW Fair Trading

    26 November, 2021

    Exposes and minimises corruption in the NSW public sector through investigation, corruption prevention and education. ... SafeWork NSW manages the state’s workplace safety, injury management, and workers compensation systems.

  • Fair Trading services

    Home building dispute resolution | NSW Fair Trading

    26 November, 2021

    can lodge an application with the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to have the complaint heard and determined. ... this has led to a reduction of approximately 30% in the number of disputes heard by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal